Air Fryer FRI-days!
*courtesy of M.A. on the next-door website app*

How about a quick and yummy dinner after whatever crazies the week brought your way.
- 1 lb (16oz) Smoked Sausage
- 1 lb (16oz) small potatoes (baby reds or Yukons)
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 2 teaspoons Lawry’s Seasoned Salt
Make shallow cuts in each sausage, barely slicing the skin, just deep enough so your sausages don’t burst while cooking. Place them in the Air Fryer basket. Wash the potatoes and slice them into quarters. Add oil and seasoning to a shallow bowl and then stir the potatoes around in the bowl to give them an even coating. Spoon the potatoes into the Air Fryer basket, spreading them our as much as possible.
Cook at 380 degrees for 8 minutes, then flip the sausage, stir the taters and cook at 380 degrees for another 8 minutes.
DONE and YUMM – extra points if you add some microwave steamed veggies. Personally I go for starch overload and heat up a can of baked beans with this meal. Don’t Judge!! Some weeks have serious level of crazy.
I like a mild Smoked Sausage – my favorite Roger Wood Original Lumber Jack Smoked Sausage, but you can try this with a stronger sausage, like Kielbasa or Spicy Andouille (try Savannah Sausage Co.) if you prefer.